
My son M really enjoys his sessions with Amanda. She takes a very creative and holistic approach to helping him with his dyslexia, using topics that he’s interested in (his football team; his favourite toys; his holidays; cooking biscuits) to capture his curiosity and encourage his learning. She also makes the sessions fun, and is so positive about what M can achieve that she has also helped to improve his confidence, and given me some very good pointers as to how I can encourage his development further at home
— A Mum
Your great love, warmth and creativity enhance our lives and those of our children. Thank you.
— A Parent
You have been such an encouragement. I will try and concentrate and not get warnings in class. I will try and remember all of things you have taught me.
— Year 4 Student
I was just talking to M today and he told me he doesn’t mind English lessons, in fact I think he might actually be enjoying them! It’s so wonderful to hear he has made peace with writing/comprehension and poetry! You definitely have something to do with that - Thank you!
— A Mum of a Year7 child
You are an inspirational teacher. Thank you.
— A Parent
Thank you so much for these past couple of years. Thank you so much for helping me stay calm. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Thank you for helping me.
— Year 6 Student
Thank you so much for everything that you do for our daughter. You give her a safe, encouraging and supportive haven to progress in and we’re sincerely grateful.
— A Mum Yr 8 child
Hi Amanda, thanks so much, yet again, for all you have done and for being a huge part of bringing out the best in him and allowing him to believe in himself.
— Parent
I want to thank you in advance for all the lovely work you have done with her over the last year. She has gained so much confidence and maturity. We looked at the essay you did with her and were amazed what she managed to accomplish under your guidance. I know she has loved her sessions with you too.
— A parent of a Year 6 student going to boarding school
Thank you for three years of hard work, helping me from 36% in maths to 73% and helping me through the 11+. You’re fabulous.
— Year 6 Student
Thank you for all of your help in spelling, reading, writing and many more things. Thank you for the ball, the book and the Oreos, even though they will not help me in the long term, they still tasted good!
— Year 6 Student
You are a legend in your own lifetime. I am deeply grateful for how you have loved, encouraged, mentored, nudged and taught young ‘S’! Massive blessings on you.
— A Dad
Thank you for being my No1 Tutor! Ever!
— Year 5 Student
I love Anne Frank and her story, as I get older and see the world it almost hurts to think about it. I love the fact that you are teaching your kids about those times. I wish you had been my teacher.
— A Year 6 Parent
Thank you so much for all of the amazing help you have given S over these last few years. You really have been wonderful in your encouragement of him, and in your support and help. He has benefitted enormously from his weekly times with you and you have helped instil in S that although he finds various things challenging, he has much going for him! You have kept his confidence up and his enjoyment of school has been enhanced by you. Thank you for ‘getting’ him and for loving him.
— A Mum.
Thank you for three years of hard work, helping me from 36% in maths to 73% and helping me through the 11+. You’re fabulous.
— Year 6 Student
Thank you for helping me and being so kind. Yr1 student
— Year 1 Student
You have inspired me to be bold, blaze my own trail and live courageously.
— Adult Student